Hello, I’m


What a wild ride my life has been! From the mountaintop, I can see that my healing journey is a living testament to the work. The trail that I have blazed is a trusted path that I invite you upon. Come join me, let’s have some fun, and create the life you love.

My Story Began With A Blaze Of Fire

Born into the world shining bright, it saddens me that my family was incapable of seeing and reflecting my light back. My absentee mother, who was anxiety ridden and depressed, left when I was 5 (#abandonmentwound). Next up, my stepmom was the polar opposite – a drunken nightmare walking, intruding on my every footstep, and criticizing me at every turn. All the while, my Dad was nowhere to be found hiding behind his books and completely shut down inside.

It all came to a head when I was 8 years old. In a flash, generations of repressed anger erupted like a volcano after being sent to my room for the “last time.” In an epic display of power, rage, and defiance, I fucking (appropriate use of the word) set my bed on fire! Moments later, Dad came crashing into the room, and gave me the beating of a lifetime. The twisted irony was that I felt enlivened as if in a Fight Club scene. Ah, there you are Dad, nice to finally meet you. 

Looking For My light In All the Wrong Places

As children are prone to do, I internalized the empathic failures of my parents as something was wrong with me. Since they did not reflect back my light and worth, I believed that I had neither. That arrested development set the stage for a long journey of looking for something outside of myself to fill that sense of emptiness. 

From striving at sports to get that “winning feeling,” to grades, to women, to making money…I was on a never ending hamster wheel chasing experiences trying to fill my empty inner cup.

Without A Clear Sense of Self, I Was Lost on Someone Else’s Path

As a college graduate without a clear sense of self, I chose someone else’s path of what I hoped would bring happiness, leading me down a dark alley otherwise known as Wall Street. Although living in NYC with some money sure had its highlights, it was clear that I was a fish out of water. And yet, I soldiered on rationalizing most people didn’t like their jobs. Meanwhile, I leaned on alcohol and the discovery of a white marching powder to suppress the big feels and get relief from my racing, incendiary mind. 

As I continued to run and numb, my innermost self remained a great mystery. This went on for years, until finally, the gig was up when the last Wall Street job exploded. The substances kicked into high gear, and I plunged into what is commonly referred to as the “dark night of the soul.” I had no idea who I was or where I was going. So f-it, I tripled down until this kamikaze pilot crashed right into the mountain. Upon awakening, although still alive, I truly thought my life was over. 

What Felt Like An Ending Was Actually A New Beginning.…

The Phoenix Rises From The Ashes.

Sometimes, in order to build the house of your dreams, you must first tear down the one in which you are living. This was true for me, however it was the universe that did the leveling of my false identity. At this terrifying point, I courageously began the journey inward, turning towards that which I had been running away from my whole life. At first, the emotional waves were massive, and I didn’t yet know how to surf. But gradually, I began to learn how to ride the waves, and in the process discovered the real me.

At the core of my transformational journey has been a spiritual path of discovery. Through deepening the connection to the spiritual dimension of my being, I found that here my inner cup was already full. That in essence, all this time I was looking for my light in all the wrong places. What an epiphany!

I was under the delusion that my joy, peace, worth, etc was “out there.” The great irony was that these precious treasures were already “right here” inside the immediacy of my own being.

And as the artist in this radiant space of infinite potentiality, I’m devoted to In Sourcing what I believe, how I feel, and what I want to create. Moreover, I now have access to a deep intuitive intelligence that flows in, through, and as me. I’ve discovered that this ineffable wisdom extends beyond the thinking mind, allowing me to know that which I can’t figure out.

And Now, Here I Am…overflowing with gratitude for the life I love to live

Where I was lost on someone else’s path  ➡️  Now, I’ve discovered my own.

Where I used to fear the worst  ➡️  Now, I imagine/create the best.

Where I was living in self hatred  ➡️  Now, I truly love myself.

Where I once felt like the victim  ➡️  Now, I’m the hero in my own life.

And the list goes on and on….

Yes, through immense devotion, I learned to love myself, transform all those scars into stars, and architect a life I absolutely love. I’m married to an incredible woman, April, who lights my fire, loves me deeply, and is the best playmate my inner goofball could imagine. You’ll have to ask how our love story began, and be amused to hear the different versions. Our children, wow, there was a time when that dream window seemed closed. And now, I’m blessed to be the proud papa of Zenna (3yr old girl), Kozmo “Koz” (1yr old boy), and don’t forget our puppy for life, Zuma (5yr old, bernedoodle). Our two children are truly amazing, and I’m captivated bearing witness to their unique selves blossoming in the world.

Ahh, full circle. In the creation of ARC, my story and healing journey have been transformed into a gift for the world. In helping people wake up, grow up, and show up with their gifts, I’ve found my own true path. This is what lights me up so deeply, and brings me the most excitement and profound meaning. What others may call work, this is my playground. Yes! Who I am is what I do. 

It would be an honor and a great joy to guide you along your own true path, and create the life you love.