Parents & Children

1:1 Coaching Path

You want the best for your child, and are willing to devote the time, money, and energy to becoming the best parent you can be.

I’m here to support you…to nourish your child…for the well being of your whole family.
I believe families function as interconnected systems where the actions and dynamics of each person has a ripple effect throughout the entire family. With this understanding, nourishing your child starts with supporting you. My intention is to empower you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of parenting, while helping you to create a deeper connection with your child.

Working with Children (5-9yrs)
Working with Children (10+YRS)
Working with Parents
Details to Know

As a play therapist, my experience is that the feelings and/or behavior your child is struggling with will naturally emerge into the play when the right conditions are met. In this light, I offer a warm, empathic, and playful space where your child will feel seen and safe to fully express themselves. When their challenges surface, I will creatively connect with your child drawing upon an array of interventions (expressive arts, role play, mindfulness, parts work, etc.). By externalizing the experience, your child will be empowered to process and transmute the affect/beliefs underpinning their struggle. In the process, I will teach them unique tools and strategies to support their specific needs out in the world.

With children inclined to process their experience through language and metaphor, the work takes on a different shape while holding true to the same underlying principles. Here, I will meet your child where they are, focusing on developing our connection and building trust.

In our unique adult/child relationship, there is no hierarchy. Your child will be free to express themselves without judgment, control, or hidden agendas. I am unequivocally on their team. And in this space, we can be real, have fun, and “figure out life” together. Along the way, I will teach your child emotional intelligence skills to improve their relationships (with themselves and others) while enhancing their overall well being.

Let’s be honest. Parenting is perhaps both the most challenging and amazing experience of a lifetime. In addition to the “village,” you’ll also need a well designed playbook and a seasoned guide. Welcome, you’re in the right place. Yes, welcome to all of you, including the parts that you might be feeling ashamed about as a parent. In our work together, I will help you to integrate the tools, strategies, and knowledge to be a more loving, curious, and skillful parent.

How You’ll Transform as a Parent – The Essential Elements

🦋 Conscious Parenting. I believe our children are our greatest teachers. They are sacred mirrors inviting us to heal and grow so that we can become the best version of ourselves as humans and parents.

🦋 Heal Your Triggers & Parent Your Inner Child. Our children activate our own childhood wounds. I will teach you how to parent/heal your inner child, so you can parent the child in front of you. Yes, you will be a cycle breaker in your family’s lineage.

🦋 Emotional Intelligence Skills. I will teach you how to make life changing shifts to create deeper connections with your children. From reaction → response, judgment → curiosity, and control → connect.

🦋 How to be a Curious Detective. Beyond tools to regulate your child’s big feelings, you will learn how to discover the root cause and address your child’s needs that are driving their acting out.

Our Work Together

✅  I’ll meet weekly with your child (50min over zoom) and monthly with you as parents (1hr) 

✅  Text Message and Email Support between sessions

✅  Emotional Intelligence & Meditative Practices to be the calm in the chaos and level up your parenting skills

✅  Inner Child Practices to Parent the Child Within 

✅  And so much more…

✅  I work with a monthly partnership model, and the investment is $1985/month *

✅  I also offer custom tailored programs for working exclusively with parents. Enquire for details.

  * Assumes 5 sessions. ** In the spirit of making this work more accessible, I reserve spaces for clients who find this level of investment a challenge. Please enquire to the extent this is true for you.