
1:1 Coaching Path

You’re someone who values personal growth, and is willing to devote the time, money, and energy to becoming the best version of you.

You’ve accomplished substantial goals, and in many ways are living a fulfilling life. And yet looking in the mirror, the truth is you’re being called to make some changes and/or create something new in your life.  

Where you are
Where You’re Going
How We'll Get There
Details To Know

Is this you?

➡️  You’re feeling stuck in a career that pays well, but lacks personal meaning. There might be “golden handcuffs” or a chorus of rational reasons, fears, and old beliefs that keep you playing it safe. The truth is you’ve been in this hellish purgatory too long. 

➡️  Your relationships are suffering (including the one with yourself). You might live in the same house as your partner, but often feel miles away. You’re craving more intimacy and play, but keep looping in the same divisive relationship patterns. 

➡️  You’re a high achiever who is never truly satisfied. You may be living in your head and/or indulging in escape behaviors (including work) to avoid the inner pain.     

➡️  You’ve been carrying the heaviness of a life unlived and your soul is aching. There may be an inner call growing louder to do something radically different with your life. But that probably seems crazy to your strategic mind.


As your future self, you’re now experiencing….

💗 Immense relief and joy. You’re out of that soul sucking job, and your new work feels like play. Who you are is what you do. 

💗 Deep fulfillment in your relationships. They’re now flourishing as spaces for play, growth, love, and intimacy.

💗 Being in a flow state on the regular. You’ve cultivated this next level energy from the inside out.

💗 An inspired sense of creative agency that you can grow through any life experience, and manifest what your heart desires.

💗 An overflow of gratitude that you’re now living the life you love. You’re satisfying your soul, and the taste is so sweet. 

The Essential Elements

🎨  Custom Design. Our work together offers a clear path forward, yet is organic, fluid, and exquisitely attuned to your unique needs and vision. I’ll meet you where you are, and together we’ll create a transformational path in bringing your vision to life.  

👁️  Discover Your Vision or Purpose. For those where the vision isn’t here yet and/or who want to do a deeper dive to illuminate their purpose, I will guide you through an experiential process of spiritual inquiry to discover your inspired vision.  

🙌 Amplify Your Vision & Become Your Future Self. Through guided experiential work and embodiment practices, you’ll get crystal clear on your North Star destination, and develop the tools to amplify being the future self who is living the vision. 

🦋 Your Inner Transformation Precedes the Outer Realization. The gap between your current and future self represents your inner path. Blending western psychology and eastern spiritual wisdom, I will lead you through an intuitive and experiential process to close this gap and bring your vision to life.  Highlights of the depth work, skills and embodiment practices include:

 experiential subconscious mind reprogramming  •  energy tools  •  somatic trauma healing  •  guided visioning exercises  •  inner child integration  •  emotional intelligence skills  •  inner guidance systems  •  Internal Family Systems parts work  •  And so much more.  

🚀 Take Bold Aligned Action, Grow Through Your Experience, & Actualize Your Vision. As you take action aligned with this new version of you, remember, what appears to be in the way, is the way. In this light, each obstacle becomes a stepping stone to being your future self as you actualize the vision.

Our Work Together

✅  We’ll meet weekly for 1-hour Zoom sessions *

✅  Text Message and Email Support between sessions 

✅  Custom Designed Meditation, Energy, and Inner Child Practices 

✅  Devising Goals with weekly/monthly accountability measures to make sure we’re on track.

✅  Business Development Support on a High Level (my wall street experience gets recycled here)  

✅  And so much more…

✅  I work with a monthly partnership model, and the investment is $1,585/month *

     * Assumes 4 sessions. Option to meet biweekly in third month. Investment = $925. ** In the spirit of making this work more accessible, I reserve spaces for clients who find this level of investment a challenge. Please enquire to the extent this is true for you.


When Should We Begin?

The reality is the time to answer this inner call and champion your vision into the world is now. That in this moment, there exists the choice of continuing to think about it and deciding to be about it. And why should you answer the call? Because you’re choosing to value your inspired heart above and beyond the fear within your own mind. 

And when you take that first step, your path will begin to illuminate, and your flame of inspiration will ignite. Previously unimaginable doorways of possibility will reveal themselves. You’ll experience an abundance of synchronicities where the right people and circumstances show up at the right time. Ah, there’s magic in the air, as if the grand orchestra of the universe is conspiring to bring your vision to life. And yet, it’s the visceral experience of stepping onto the stage of your life that’s the very thing which brings you alive. 

There’s only one way to find out what’s true, and that’s to take this first step together. And no big deal, the only thing that will change is your whole life. But heh, isn’t that worth it? Don’t you want to unearth what’s inside and create something magical, scary as it may seem to a part of you? What else did you want to do with this “one wild and precious life” anyways? 

Come join me, let’s have some fun, and together we’ll create a life you love.