Discover Your Path
Create the Life You Love


Whatever life circumstance brought you here to take this next courageous step…

Welcome to

Aaron Rasor Coaching, ARC

Like all of us humans, you are a natural born storyteller. You love an inspirational story! Throughout the day you’re watching, reading, telling, and even creating ones in your own mind.

Your life is a story in the making, and you are the author.

Your Path

Take a moment and imagine yourself as the hero/heroine in your new adventure. Are you ready to answer inspiration’s call? Your “YES” will initiate you through an inner journey of transformation, a character arc, as a pathway to bringing your vision to life. In your story, the character arc is simply the gap between your current and future self, the one who’s already living the vision. With this understanding, your roadmap for the essential inner work is now becoming clear.

On your path, what appears to be in your way, is the way.

Along your journey of magical experiences, revelations, and healing, each obstacle becomes a stepping stone to being the one who is living the vision. And by learning to be a devoted student of your own life, you will accelerate your personal timeline and enhance your ability to create. 

Your Guide

I’m a licensed integrative psychotherapist, and have 10+ years of experience guiding countless amazing humans along their own transformational path. Blending western psychology and eastern spiritual wisdom, the breadth and depth of my experience is an invaluable asset for you. The truth is most coaches don’t have this level of expertise in holding space and facilitating such deep transformational work. Ultimately, you can trust that I’ll meet you wherever you are, and safely and lovingly guide you through the inner work to bring your vision to life. This is what I LOVE, who I am, and what we’ll do together.

Are You Ready?

To amplify your inspiration and reimagine your life’s story, 

To become the hero/heroine of your bold new vision,

To transform through your own inner journey along the way, and

To create the life you love ♥️

Are you wanting to learn more about ARC’s 1:1 Coaching Paths before you decide to apply? Ok great, select the one that’s right for you…


Parents & Children

How I Work



My work is a unique integration of psychological modalities, spiritual wisdom, and my own life experience. Foundational disciplines include Internal Family Systems, Gestalt Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, Buddhism, AEDP, and Guided Imagery, to name a few. 


I’ll meet you where you are, attune to your particular needs/vision, and together we’ll co-create a transformational journey. We’ll be on your path together, trekking through the valleys all the way to the mountain tops. 


When sitting with a client, I’m often gifted with synchronistic information (images, music, metaphors). This intelligence enhances the potency of our work, offering unique insights and ways of making meaning of your experience.


While thinking about your experience has its importance, it is limiting. Using mindfulness and guided experiential practices, our work will privilege cultivating the intelligence and healing available within your own body, emotions, and being (inner guidance systems).

Aaron’s Story

In a million years, I never could have imagined my life would turn out like this…from setting my bed on fire in a massive protest as an 8 year old boy…to being a fish out of water drowning in the “high life” on Wall Street…to unraveling in the dark night of the soul, and rising from the ashes like the Phoenix…all the way to manifesting my purpose helping people create the life they love…..Now, who I am is what I do.

My Purpose

I’m devoted to my soul’s purpose of spreading seeds of love and transformation throughout the world. My wish is that these seeds inspire others to wake up, grow up, and show up with their gifts. As human beings, I believe we are being invited to discover, love, and be who we truly are. In this light, I have created ARC as an entrepreneurship vessel and a playground. To honor who I am, what I love, and that which I value and want to express. All in the service of guiding kindred spirits along their own path. I welcome you to come join me.